The scientific fun never stops, even when it's sometimes below freezing cold outside! This winter, our Home School STEAM Group is diving into a hands-on exploration of biology while also creating their own stop motion animation videos. This combination of science and creative arts has engaged our learners in fun ways to apply what they've been learning. Our ongoing partnership with Private Picassos means young learners in our community have access to quality art exploration close to home! This winter, Sunday mornings engaged us in exploring color science, paleolithic cave paintings, entomology art and invertebrate creations! During Science Saturdays, we dove into a hands-on exploration of physics as we focused on how things fly, how liquids behave, and how force works. Young scientists created paper helicopters and gliders, we explored attract and repel experiments, and observed what happens when certain materials are placed in water. The scientific fun continues....
Fall has been a fun and busy time at the Kiddie Science Lab! As our gardening winds down, our inside works ramps up. Although we're still functioning on limited group size capacity, and not all our programs have returned, we've still impacted hundreds of lives through the various programs at the Lab. As we ease into winter, we look forward to presenting even more programs and events to the community. As the days grew cooler and shorter, our time in the gardens and with the chickens was limited. We still spent as much time outside as possible, learning about leaf anatomy, local ecology, and the basic needs of chickens. As our garden transitioned from its summer of abundant growth, we learned more about compost and the importance of returning nutrients back to the soil. We also embarked on an indoor hydroponics project that had us growing cucumbers! Program partner, Private Picassos, returns for more exploratory art during Kids & Clay! Sunday mornings, we socialize while learning clay building techniques and making unique creations. We've had a great time learning clay terms, using tools, and completing projects. STEM Kids NYC joins us this fall with an extension of Science Saturdays for our older scientists. It's been hands-on fun as we incorporate the Scientific Method through often messy explorations. Friday mornings continue to be for age 3 and under! We've enjoyed singing, dancing, playing, and creating art. Our young ones have enjoyed exploring age-appropriate Lab materials, saying hello to our turtle Spaghetti, and getting a little messy as we paint and create. Fall means we transition to physical science as our main exploration topic. Young scientists in all our programs explored different aspects of physical science, which implementing the Scientific Method. We enjoyed exploring chemistry, expanded our physics exploration, learned more about energy, explored color science, and learned more about the states of matter. It's been an amazing time learning and exploring together. We look forward to more hands-on fun at the Kiddie Science Lab this winter!
Our first month at the Kiddie Science Lab has been busy, busy, busy! As our existing programs begin to take root in our new home, we'd like to share with you a bit of what we've been learning about and exploring. |
Week 7: Invertebrates We explore the classification of invertebrates by comparing and contrasting characteristics and observing behaviors. Skills covered: Making and recording observations, understanding ecosystem dynamics and organism adaptations. | Week 8: Reptiles We explore reptiles by comparing and contrasting the characteristics of dinosaurs to modern reptiles. Skills covered: Analyze and interpret data from fossils, comparing and contrasting, evaluate and present information. | Week 9: Design a Living Thing We review what we've learned about living things and design the perfect species. Skills covered: Understanding structure and function of characteristics, develop and use model, understanding of organism survival. |
My son LOVES these classes, so informative, hands on and fun!
Parent of program participant
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