Hopefully you're someplace where you have snow and can do these experiments sooner than later, because they're lots of fun! BASIC MATERIALS: Snow, assorted bowls/containers, ruler, salt, towels, assorted spoons. EXPERIMENT #1: MEASURING WATER IN SNOW Fill a bowl or container with snow and bring it inside. Don't pack the snow down. Place the ruler in the container and use it to measure the height of the snow. Take a guess as to how deep the water will be in the container after the snow melts. Put the container aside and let the snow melt completely. Use the ruler to measure the height of the water in the container. What did you find? Was your guess close to the actual amount of water? EXPERIMENT #2: MELTING SNOW Fill two containers with snow. Sprinkle salt on the snow in one bowl only, making sure to cover it in one even layer. Place the containers aside. What do you think will happen to the snow? Check on the containers every 5 minutes. What do you observe? EXPERIMENT #3: PLAYING WITH SNOW! Open exploration with snow is fun for all ages. Fill a container with snow and provide your young scientist with spoons and other items to scoop and stir. You can also provide your young scientist with multiple containers and allow them to practice scooping and pouring.
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My son LOVES these classes, so informative, hands on and fun! Loading PurpleAir Widget...