The Period Talk ONLINE
The Period Talk aims to create open, science-based dialogue around the topic of menstruation. Using accurate and appropriate language, we learn about the biological process and some of the products available for use. This workshop is recommended for age 8 and up with an adult caregiver(s). Advanced registration is required. Workshop fee is $30.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th 10:30am to 12pm |
**Registration for this program BEGINS OCTOBER 1ST**
Think back to your first period. What do you wish you knew to feel better prepared?
The Kiddie Science Lab is located at 509 Rogers Avenue, door on the right.
Advanced registration is required and space is limited.
Advanced registration is required and space is limited.
Bring The Period Talk to your school or book a private session for your group!
Contact us at [email protected] to learn more.