Get your green thumb ready for the Kiddie Science Lab Plant Sale Fundraiser!
This annual event supports our mission to help engage and inspire our future scientists by planting the seeds of science far and wide. Order and pay for your plants online, and select a pick-up time on 5/1 or 5/2 from the Kiddie Science Lab. This year, the following plants are for sale: Basil “Sweet Genova” *limited quantities* This popular strain has large, dark green leaves with a pleasant sweet flavor, and is used for flavoring many foods, especially tomatoes and peas. Both leaves and flowers are also used fresh or dried in salads. A great choice for pesto; plants grow to about 2 ft. high. Cucumbers *limited quantities* This uniformly dark green beauty holds its shape and quality through several picks. Solid reputation as a dependable open-pollinated slicer. These are the "Marketmore" variety. Eggplant *limited quantities* These large, glossy fruits are a deep purple so intense it looks black. They arise in great numbers on plants 21 to 30 inches high -- you can expect a dozen or so fruits per plant. Tomato 'Sweet 100 Cherry' *SOLD OUT* This large plant yields an incredible number of the best tasting bite-sized cherry tomatoes! They’re produced in grape-like clusters, bear all season long, and get high praise for their sweetness. Begonia *SOLD OUT* This series is a grower’s delight. It offers a clean, compact habit that is uniform across all colors. Very early to bloom in the pack. Height: 12", 10-12" spread. Shade tolerant. French Marigold *SOLD OUT* Very tolerant of compacted urban soils. These dwarf sun-loving annuals thrive in poor to average soil and love full sun. Remove faded flower buds for continued flowering. Height: 10-12”. Snapdragon (small) *SOLD OUT* This delightful dwarf strain makes a lovely display in annual borders. Height: 8-10". A good plant to attract pollinators. Peppers 'Lady Bell' *SOLD OUT* The rich green fruit that ripen red have a uniform deep bell shape with 3-4 lobes and medium thick walls. Lady Bell is prolific, even in cooler weather and is one of the most dependable producers of sweet peppers. Coriander / Cilantro *SOLD OUT* A a dual-purpose herb, providing both deliciously pungent leaves (what we know as Cilantro) and later, citrus-scented fruits (what we know as Coriander seeds). Cilantro grows best in full sun to light afternoon shade and well drained soil. The plants adapt well to containers and windowsills. Comments are closed.
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