We'd like to take a moment to say THANK YOU! Your support makes everything possible. As we work with more and more young scientists, the physical Lab space has experienced normal wear one would expect from hundreds of children each week. For some time now, our radiator and covers were experiencing challenges. Your donation to the Love The Lab fundraiser allowed us to address this problem and fix it. Here is what you've helped make possible- Over time, our radiator cover has become detached from the wall. This caused the radiator tube to become misaligned and make the initial problem worse. If you've been to the Lab, we're sure you've noticed the white tape holding some it in alignment. Recently, everything was taken apart, cleaned and realigned, new anchors placed, support pieces added, and some components were replaced. We still need your help to meet our goal! Our next goal is to upgrade our turtle, Spaghetti's, habitat. This will provide a more adequate living space for her while allowing our young scientists improved access to assist in her care. Thank you for your support!
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My son LOVES these classes, so informative, hands on and fun! Loading PurpleAir Widget...