In case you needed an excuse to get more candy canes, he's another: science!
BASIC MATERIALS: Candy canes, bowls or jars, water, paper towels, vinegar, oil, parchment paper, baking pan. Optional: metal cookie cutters. EXPERIMENT #I: DISSOLVING CANDY CANES Fill several bowls or jars with different liquids: warm water, cold water, vinegar, and oil. Unwrap the candy canes and place them in the bowls. Observe how the candy canes react to each liquid. Which liquid do you think will dissolve the candy cane the fastest? Observe your experiment every 5 minutes. For further exploration, test how candy canes dissolve in milk, orange juice, coffee, and other liquids. EXPERIMENT #2: CANDY CANE MELTING POINT For this experiment, we explore how candy canes melt. You'll need to set your oven to 350 degrees. Place parchment paper on a baking pan. If you have metal cookie cutters, break the candy canes up and fill the cookie cutters. Otherwise, you can simply lay the candy cane directly on the parchment paper. Place the baking pan in the oven and check it every five minutes, for a total of 15 minutes. Observe how the candy cane melts. As an extension project, you can place a candy canes in a 250 degree oven for 10 minutes. At this temperature, the candy cane will melt only slightly. Let cool a bit, then shape the candy cane into any shape you like. Once it completely cools, the candy cane will harden into the shape created. Did you try this experiment at home? Tell us about it and show us your results! Comments are closed.
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