It's been a week with our new hens and they've recently begun to enjoy unsupervised time with our elder hen, Spicy Mildred. Chickens over 15 weeks of age, and under one year (who are not yet laying) are known as pullets. This is more commonly referred to as the chicken's teen years.
Due to our location in the northeast, we opted for chicken breeds that are tolerant to extreme temperatures, particularly the cold New York winters. Our flock consists of one Red Star, known for its large brown eggs. The Red Star is a hybrid hen, developed in the 1950's by breeding three more popular types known for their egg and meat production. Our two other pullets are Americaunas, derived from the Araucana chickens brought to the United States from Chile. They are extremely hardy hens which are best known for their blue-green eggs.
This week, our young scientists have begun meeting our flock and making name suggestions. Soon, you'll be able to vote on names while supporting the Brooklyn Chicken Club.
Due to our location in the northeast, we opted for chicken breeds that are tolerant to extreme temperatures, particularly the cold New York winters. Our flock consists of one Red Star, known for its large brown eggs. The Red Star is a hybrid hen, developed in the 1950's by breeding three more popular types known for their egg and meat production. Our two other pullets are Americaunas, derived from the Araucana chickens brought to the United States from Chile. They are extremely hardy hens which are best known for their blue-green eggs.
This week, our young scientists have begun meeting our flock and making name suggestions. Soon, you'll be able to vote on names while supporting the Brooklyn Chicken Club.